Q1. What time are students allowed into the school?
A1. Students enter the building shortly after 7:30 am. If a student has extra help early in the morning, they should have a pass with them from the teacher providing permission to enter the building.

Q2. How do I pick my child up early?
A2. Simply send a note in with your child to school that morning. S/he will be given an early dismissal pass. At the time of dismissal, your child will wait for you in the main office. A parent must sign a student out of school.

Q3. My child is sick from school. How do I get the homework?
A3. If your child is absent due to sickness for more than one day, please call the office. The office will contact the teachers and homework can be picked up from the main office after 3 pm. The office number is 273-4250. However, if your child is absent from school for an unexcused reason, such as vacation, homework is not provided until they return.

For additional questions about absences, please refer to the District's Comprehensive Attendance Policy.

Q1. What bus should my child take to and from home?
A1. For questions regarding bus routes, please call the Transportation Department at 273-4245.

Q2. What time does the late bus leave?
A2. The late bus leaves at approximately 3:45 pm.

Q3. My child left an article on the bus, how can I retrieve it?
A3. You can call the bus garage, or have your child report the forgotten item to the office.

Q4. Where do the activity buses go?
A4. The activity buses travel to several local sites. You should have completed an activity bus form to submit to the activity provider. If you need a form, you can obtain one in the Main Office.

After-School Activities
Q1. What time do after school activities end?
A1. School activities generally end by 3:30pm. Students can take the late but home or get picked up at the main entrance of the building.

Q2. Where can I find information about Modified Sports?
A2. Modified sports information can be found on the Athletics Department website.

Q3. When is the library open?
A3. The library is open everyday from 7:50-3:30, except Wednesdays when the library closes at 2:30, unless otherwise advised. A note from a parent is required to use the library after school.

Parent-teacher communication can occur through a variety of mechanisms. Communication can take the form of progress reports or report cards, and may include conferences, emails, or phone calls. Parents regularly receive periodic updates about their child's progress throughout the year with mid-term progress reports (four times per year) and report cards (four times per year). Parents may also request a parent-teacher conference, or call or email a teacher.

Mid-Term Progress Reports
Mid-term progress reports, sent out four times per year, provide parents with an update of your child's performance for the first half of the marking period. The progress reports are intended as an initial communication tool between the parent and the teacher. Should concerns arise out of the progress reports, a parent can seek further communication with their child's teacher(s).

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Team meetings are encouraged when general concerns arise. Team meetings may be arranged to include all of the child's team teachers. Appointment times can be made in December after receiving first quarter report cards or there are limited appointment times throughout the year. Please contact Shannon Grundig in the guidance office at (914) 273-4250 ext. 3931 to schedule an appointment.

Appropriate Use of Email
Email can be an effective method of communication with teachers if you have a specific question or concern. Email can be useful if you would like a brief update about your child regarding recent homework trends or a question about a test or quiz. If you would like a more comprehensive update, please contact your child's guidance counselor for a team meeting.

Teachers welcome high quality communication through email which involves a specific question. This type of email can help communicate progress on homework or assessments and can facilitate student growth. We ask that parents be sensitive to the competing demands on a teacher's time.