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Byram Hills High School - Main Upper Gym
Byram Hills High School - Main Upper Gym
Brewster Ice Arena
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Byram Hills High

Becoming productive and responsible citizens and leaders of the 21st Century
Today’s students face unprecedented challenges and face increasingly more complex demands. Successful students must be proficient in these five Cs of 21 Century learning.
Students demonstrate strong character and citizenship while working with various local and global communities to make the world a better place.

Students accept shared responsibility for work and demonstrate flexibility and persistence to accomplish team goals.

Students articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication while also being able to listen effectively to decipher meaning.

Critical Thinking
Students use their knowledge and skills to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information from various points of view gathered from experience, reflection, reasoning and communication.

Students use various techniques to create new ideas to improve or refine systems or solve problems.