The math curriculum carefully integrates the learning of skills and concepts through a coherent and carefully designed K – 12 approach. The curriculum at the elementary grades introduces concepts through a hands-on and discussion-based approach. Skills and knowledge are introduced at age-appropriate times and in ways which young students understand. The middle grades require efficient skill development and deeper understanding of concepts as they engage in complex problem-solving. The high school curriculum requires strong skills and good understanding of concepts as students explore advanced algebra and geometry in depth.
Good skills and knowledge in mathematics require students to become critical thinkers and problem-solvers. To this end, the Mathematics Department developed a set of learning habits, called the “7 Habits of a Successful Learner.” Introduced in grade 6 and continued each year thereafter, we help students develop learning habits that produce outstanding learners in mathematics to meet the demands of 21st Century learning. The 7 habits include:
1) seeking multiple points of view
2) making connections and using prior knowledge
3) asking questions and posing problems
4) striving for accuracy
5) being resourceful persistence and patience
6) thinking flexibly and tolerating ambiguity; and
7) reflecting on one’s own learning
We encourage parental involvement. Your child must know that you value mathematics. You can easily demonstrate this by asking your child to discuss the mathematics he or she is learning at school, and talk about your own work with mathematics. Always be positive about learning math, and support the work that comes home from the classroom teacher. Together, we can create the next generation of math learners – students that value and appreciate all types of mathematical learning experiences and that see math everywhere around us!