District Initiatives
In an effort to "create the leaders of the next generation," Byram Hills continually seeks to improve current programs while finding new ways to engage our students in meaningful learning experiences. This page summarizes some of our current and ongoing initiatives as we strive to meet the Byram Hills District Mission:
In an environment of mutual respect, the Byram Hills School District and its community will provide students with the means, the knowledge, and the opportunity to excel in order to become productive and responsible CITIZENS AND LEADERS of the twenty-first century.
The District continually engages in continuous improvement of programs, courses, curriculum, instructional approaches, and assessments. The following framework guides our review and implementation of new initiatives. The framework was developed using the latest educational research and literature, business journals and writings, and studies of post-secondary colleges and universities.
The District utilizes a four-phase review cycle when implementing new courses and curricular programs, and when periodically reviewing existing programs, courses, or curricula. Each phase involves a design plan to best review and evaluate the programs and reflect upon the collected data when making decisions.
The 2024-2025 curriculum review plan outlines the major curricular areas and programs under review. This is an ongoing cycle, and each phase may take one to three years, depending upon the depth of the review. Additionally, the building principals, directors, and academic chairpersons evaluate and review various aspects of their respective programs as well; you can view the academic program information under "Academic Departments" in the Curriculum and Instruction tab on our website.
Updates on current curricular initiatives are presented to the Board of Education throughout the year. You can view recent reports or watch the related Board meetings on the Byram Hills Media Center's BobcatTV.
Additionally, you can view the annual District assessment reports on the Standards and Assessment webpage.
December 14, 2025 - NYSED Literacy Initiative
November 12, 2024 - Graduation measures; student Board member; civics lesson; AP honor roll
November 12, 2024 - World Languages Department update
October 15, 2024 - Global Scholars Program - Impact Report for 2023-2024
October 15, 2024 - HCC Data Story 2023-2024
September 17, 2024 - Textbook adoption: PurposeFull People
September 17, 2024 - International travel aligned to global competency initiative
August 27, 2024 - Graduation measures; curriculum review cycle; math advanced learners program; cyber camp
June 4, 2024 - Mathematics Department update
May 7, 2024 - Advanced learner program update
April 2, 2024 - Overview of current pilot curricula
March 5, 2024 - Physics program update
January 2024 - NYS Education Department literacy briefs
December 12, 2023 - Social Studies Department update
August 29, 2023 - Advanced learner program
June 6, 2023 - Literacy study takeaways
April 18, 2023 - Literacy study update
February 7, 2023 - Civic readiness; teaching misinformation; coding at Wampus
February 7, 2023 - Character Strong program update
January 24, 2023 - International tours pilot project
Other Past Reports
March 29, 2022 - K-5 social-emotional curriculum
February 8, 2022 - Update on the Global Scholars Program
January 22, 2022 - Entrepreneurship and other new courses at BHHS
December 7, 2021 - Updates to the HCC and BHHS master schedules
March 3, 2020 - World Languages Department update
April 9, 2019 - Global Scholars Program update
December 4, 2018 - Challenge Success and student wellness
June 25, 2017 - Global competency - Tri-State Consortium visit summary
The District convened a literacy study group with teachers, administrators, and parents during the 2022-2023 school year in order to study and learn from the latest research on reading and writing. You can view all the presentations slides, readings, and other presentations on the literacy study group webpage.
In collaboration with principals, teachers, and expert consultants, the District continues to study literacy and review the current K-5 curriculum, programs, instructional strategies, and assessments.
You can review the District's literacy goals for 2023-2024 which guide our continued efforts to support every student in meeting the high standards for reading and writing. Our progress toward these goals will be evaluated, reviewed, and revised annually. (Also, you can listen to the Board of Education presentation of these goals.)
In January 2024, NYSED released a series of literacy briefs to provide school districts with a roadmap to align their curriculum and instructional practices with the science of reading. You can review a summary of the NYS literacy briefs.
For more information on the Districts elementary literacy curriculum, visit the Elementary Curriculum webpage.
The District consulted with mathematics experts and the advanced learners teacher in mathematics to "reboot" the program for the 2023-2024 school year. During the summer of 2023, the advanced learner teachers designed units of study for a program focused on important and relevant areas of mathematics. Additionally, the program will nurture the habits of mathematical thinking.
Information regarding the Advanced Learners Program can be found on the Advanced Learners webpage.
The District recently studied and revised the character education principles that were written over 25 years ago. Please visit the new character education webpage for more details.
Our character education principles are supported in a variety of ways in the classroom, throughout the school environment, and integrated within the curriculum and instructional strategies. Examples of where character education can be seen in Byram Hills include:
- Morning meetings and grade/school wide community meetings
- Kelso's Choice (conflict resolution system)
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework
- Physical education and athletics sportsmanship
- Student-faculty voice circles
- The use of civil discourse in social studies and ELA classrooms
- Digital citizenship curriculum
- 9th grade mentor program
- Students Acting in Leadership (SAIL at HCC)
- #Kindness at HCC
- Science ambassador program
- Various clubs and extracurricular programs (VIP; Mu Alpha Theta; Tri-M; Big Brother/Big Sister; etc)
All our interactions throughout the District are driven by these core principles.
Ultimately, we strive to create an environment where everyone feels they BELONG; that is, we feel appreciated, validated, accepted, and treated fairly within our school community.
Additional ways we seek to cultivate the tenets of character education are noted below:
Cultural Proficiency
In 2005 the Byram Hills School District made a commitment to creating a culturally proficient school community by developing and promoting the skills and knowledge for respectful dialogue and respect for self and others. “Cultural Proficiency is a mindset, a way of being that esteems the culture of others as one esteems his/her own culture while positively engaging, adapting and responding” (Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones, 2006).
To this end, the District developed a training program and additional structures to continue its journey toward cultural proficiency. We trained administrators, faculty, parents, and students. Study groups were created at Coman Hill and Wampus, which resulted in new curriculum and programs to support the skill development of cultural proficiency. A Student Leadership Board was created to train high school students on the cultural proficiency framework; these high school students become leaders of efforts to promote a school climate built on respect for self and others.
The links below offer detailed information about this important initiative.
- View the cultural proficiency Conceptual Framework.
- Read an Overview of our cultural proficiency initiative since 2005.
Balancing Wellness and Academics
The District recognizes the importance of supporting both the wellness and academic needs of students. We are deeply committed to addressing student wellness through all aspects of our school environment so students can achieve at their highest potential. Recent initiatives have proven successful, and we are finding ways to assess these programs and find data that demonstrates the degree to which we are successful at supporting students' emotional health.
- Watch this discussion with the Board of Education on Character Education and Wellness.
- Watch this show on Emotional Wellness at Wampus.
Some recent initiatives include:
- Studied social-emotional programs and will pilot a K-5 social-emotional curriculum in 2021-2022.
- Created the flexible support program at the high school to help students succeed in our academic programs.
- Provided training from the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence, to help students become aware of emotions and learn to regulate them.
- Interview with the Director of the Center for Emotional Intelligence, Marc Brackett: On the science and teaching of emotional intelligence.
- Collaborated with the University of Michigan Depression Center to train faculty and collaborate with District on programs to support students.
- Collaborated with Stanford University's Challenge Success, including surveying students and families, and establishing new programs and systems to support student wellness and emotional health.
Bullying Prevention / Internet Safety
The District seeks to create a positive school climate. In doing so, we implement programs on bullying prevention and cyberbullying throughout our K-12 curriculum in addition to the overall district-wide focus on creating a positive school climate. Additionally, the District collaborates with the Byram Hills PTSA for programming, outreach, and communication with families in the community to make our schools productive learning environments for all students.
- You can view our pro-social behavior programs for each school.
- Bullying Prevention: view the Parent Resource Guide.
- Visit the Byram Hills PTSA website for additional information on ways in which families can get involved in our schools.
- View the Bobcat TV show on Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying at HCC Middle School, featuring Detective Frank Kolarik, the HCC Guidance Counselors, and Dr. Evan Powderly.
- View the Bobcat TV show on Internet Safety with Judge Elyse Lazansky.
- Visit the schools web pages for additional information on school-related programs.
Facing History and Ourselves
Since 2007, the District started to engage in teacher training and curriculum writing to integrate ideas and principles from the organization, Facing History and Ourselves, a non-profit group committed to improving the human condition around the world. We develop and use resources for lessons, activities and strategies to help young students take responsibility for the world in which we live. Our students experience these lessons throughout our curriculum and extracurricular programs.
- Watch the Bobcat TV show: Facing History and Ourselves.
A recent research study shows that "students of the Facing History teachers demonstrated significantly greater historical thinking skills, civic efficacy, and tolerance for others with different views than control students. They also reported that their classrooms were more inclusive, respectful, and tolerant of different points of view." (You can read the full report here, conducted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.)
In our effort to support all students in meeting the rigorous learning standards, Byram Hills implements a comprehensive plan to provide support to students.
You can review the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Plan for details regarding implementation. The Plan includes descriptions of and procedures for academic intervention services (AIS), Response to Intervention (RTI), and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
We are currently revising the District's MTSS plan. More information will be posted to this page throughout the year.
Current Updates to MTSS (as of September 2024)
- Conducted an ELA assessment audit and is currently "rebuilding" the assessment system.
- Studied universal screener assessments; piloting Renaissance Star in grades K-5 during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Studying various progress monitoring assessments in grades K-5.
- Studying and piloting behavioral and social-emotional assessments in grades 6-8.
- Piloting a tier 3 intervention program in grades 9-12.
- PIloting a screening assessment for new students to the high school.
The District continually seeks ways to engage our students in authentic learning experiences that support the mission to create the productive and responsible citizens and leaders of the 21st Century.
To this end, the District created a new 2-year program in 2022-2023, called StartUp, to provide ways for students to create, design, and implement their own business or social enterprise.
These slides provide an overview of the program, and learn more about the curriculum at the Uncharted Learning website.
In the summer of 2024, teachers continued to review curriculum and participate in a national conference to implement year 2 of the StartUp program.
As we move deeper into the 21st Century, we have left the information age and entered the innovation age. People are connected in new ways and the new economies require new skills and knowledge. As a result of this shift, the District is exploring a new lens through which to view the world. We call this lens global competency.
The Asia Society Global Competence Framework is one model we use to guide our work, and more information can be found on the Asia Society website.
We launched a 3-year Global Scholars Program in 2017-2018, an interdisciplinary study of global issues and leadership for students in grades 10-12. This program was developed by our academic chairpersons, Dr. Jen Laden (social studies), Mr. Duane Smith (English), and Ms. Melissa Stahl (world languages.)
Visit the Global Scholars Program webpage for more details and examples of the curriculum and student work.
- Read more about the start of our global competency initiative in this presentation to our Board of Education.
- Watch a Board of Education presentation with teachers and students from the global scholars program. (February 5, 2019.)
- Read the slide presentation update on the global scholars program (February 5, 2019.)
For the past 20 years, the District has engaged in a focused and sustained effort to integrate technology into every classroom at all grade levels to support student learning. We continue to support the use of meaningful technology in our classrooms, and now, technology is ubiquitous to our curricular, instructional and assessment programs. Some highlights about technology include:
- Updated our infrastructure starting in 2014.
- Joined the Google environment in 2014.
- Launched a mobile learning initiative in 2014-2015 with 1:1 Chromebooks in grades 3 through 8, and mobile devices throughout K-2 and 9-12.
You can view Bobcat TV programs on various technology and STEAM initiatives over the years:
- Robotics at BHHS
- Robotics & Coding at HCC
- Data Collection Devices in grade 3
- High School Physics
- Coman Hill Technology
- Lego Robotics at Wampus
- HCC Robotics
Watch this discussion with the Board of Education on Robotics at the high school. (February 13, 2017)
The District seeks to "create the leaders of the next generation." To achieve this goal, all aspects of our curriculum, instruction, and assessments are designed provide students with skills and knowledge to be leaders of the 21st Century. Evidence of this includes a shift in a student-active learning process, self-assessment, goal setting, and decision-making.
Additionally, the District provides other ways for students to learn the skills of leadership and to become true leaders. Some examples are noted below.
Watch this Bobcat TV video on Student Leadership in Byram Hills.
Watch a discussion with student leaders at a Board of Education meeting. (Start at 19:45 into video.)
Teaching Assistant.
Initially started in one chemistry class, the high school created a "TA Program" where students take on the role of a teaching assistant by providing academic support in the classroom, conducting full class and small group demonstrations, and providing individual support during office hours. The TA program currently exists in Chemistry and Computer Science.
Watch this Bobcat TV show on the Chemistry TA Program.
Peer Leader.
All high school students are required to take a Health course, which includes important topics for students in the midst of transition to adulthood. To provide guidance, we offer a Peer Leadership program where high school seniors co-teach the Health course with the health teacher. These students provide a strong guide and important role models for young students learning to navigate high school.
A signature program at the high school is our 9th grade Mentor class, a one semester course to orient ninth grade students to the social, emotional, and academic life of the high school. The Guidance Department collaborate with the teachers of the Mentor course to provide a comprehensive program that prepares students for the important transition to adulthood. Each Mentor class is co-taught by two high school seniors, who teach lessons and become the role models for our young high school students.
- Watch this show on the Mentor Program
Student Leadership Board.
Growing out of the District's initiative on cultural proficiency (see below for more information), we created the Student Leadership Board, a program for high school students in grades 9 - 12 to learn the skills of cultural proficiency, expand their view of global issues, and develop leadership skills to make a difference in their local and global communities.
- View this presentation to the Board of Education on the Student Leadership Board. (coming soon)
- Watch this Bobcat TV video on the Student Leadership Board.
The Byram Hills School District recognizes the importance of educating students, parents, faculty and community members about environmental responsibility. The District models best practices in the schools, develops a coordinated K-12 curriculum, integrates environmentally sustainable products and practices into the facilities and transportation departments, and finds partners with local, state and national communities and organizations.
"Educators for sustainability work to develop in young people and adults the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and enduring understandings required to individually and collectively contribute to a healthy and sustainable future." (Jaimie P. Cloud, Educating for a Sustainable Future, 2010, p. 168)
- Watch the Bobcat TV shows on:
Recycling at Wampus
Sustainability at Coman Hill
Recycling at Coman HillYouTube Video
Recycling PSA at BHHS - See an overview of the Education for Sustainability curriculum K-8, including essential questions and alignment with the sustainability standards: K-8 EfS Chart. EfS Standards.
- Review the Education for Sustainability Standards, by the Cloud Institute, which serve as the framework for our curriculum.
- Our sustainability curriculum was written by teachers through a regional initiative, sponsored by Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES. You can review the Education for Sustainability website for detailed information.
The District strives to meet the learning needs of every child. Over the past ten years we have provided professional development at all grade levels to support teacher learning of the theories of differentiation and provide opportunities for collaboration on differentiated lessons, activities and assignments. Our efforts have been guided by the work of Carol Ann Tomlinson, and recently.
Most recently, we are approaching differentiation from a student-centered instructional model, based on the extensive research-based approach by Nancy Sulla.