Literacy Study Group


We recognize the importance of literacy as a gateway skill which provides access to lifelong learning across all content areas. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Byram Hills School District will engage in a yearlong study of literacy to deepen our knowledge and understanding of how young children learn to read and write. The information we learn will guide our decisions as we review and revise our literacy curriculum to best meet the needs of all our students and meet our District mission. 


The District will convene a study group of teachers, administrators, Board of Education members, and parents/guardians to read and discuss pertinent studies and literature on reading and writing and the implications on our approach with young learners, both in school and at home. Expert literacy researchers will facilitate and guide our learning and discussions. Various presentations will be made at public meetings, faculty meetings, and principal’s coffees to share our insights as we develop our common understandings. 


The study group will consist of teachers, administrators, Board members and parents.  

While membership is limited, additional public presentations and meetings will be scheduled throughout the year. 


Dates: October 17; November 7; January 18; March 15; April 17. 
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 

For further information, contact
Dr. Tim Kaltenecker, Deputy Superintendent |  914-273-4082 x5920