Standards & Assessments
Our local curriculum and instructional practices are grounded in New York State and national standards. Information can be found in the links below regarding various standards that are the foundation of our courses and programs.
New York State P-12 Learning Standards
- Visit the NYS Education Department Office of Standards and Instruction for more information on the New York State standards and instructional frameworks.
- Learning standards by content area
National and Other Standards
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Principles, Standards, and Expectations
Mathematics Common Core Standards
National Council of Teachers of English - Standards for the English Language Arts
English Common Core Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies
National Core Arts Standards
National Physical Education Standards
National Health Standards
Global Competency Framework - Asia Society
Global Competence - World Savvy
Education for Sustainability - The Cloud Institute
ISTE Standards - International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE Standards for: Students; Educators; Leaders)
Visit the NYS Education Department Office of State Assessment for detailed information on the assessment system and testing program.
Other relevant assessment information includes:
- Grades 3-8 testing schedules in English Language Arts, mathematics, and science.
- Regents exams testing schedules
What makes Byram Hills a great place to learn? One aspect of great organizations is sustained excellent results. According to Jim Collins (2001) in his book Good to Great, he states, “A great organization is one that delivers superior performance and makes a distinctive impact over a long period of time.” The various assessment data below are some of the indicators that Byram Hills is a great school district.
The Special Recognition Document captures many great achievements across all aspects of the District, including academic accomplishments, college admissions, athletics, and student and faculty successes.
Review the Byram Hills NYS report card on the NYS interactive data website to view state testing results and other school and District information.
Each year, an annual assessment report is made to the Board of Education, which summarizes District data, including the current year's results and longitudinal data. Additional District performance is presented as well.
You can access the past reports below: