Important Information
Physical Examinations
Each student entering school for the first time is required to submit proof of physical examination by a certified New York State health care provider and required immunizations.This documentation is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Students in grades K,1,3,5,7,9 and 11 are also required to have an annual physical examination, including Body Mass Index and Weight Status Category. Additionally, all students who participate in interscholastic athletics are required to have an annual physical examination prior to participation. These exams are best performed by the student’s personal physician and submitted to the school nurse. The new NYS Health Appraisal Form must be used to document the physical exam and are available on the district website. If a student has no other means of obtaining a physical examination, the School Physician will perform the exam. The student must see the School Nurse to make an appointment and pick up the required history and permission forms.
**We are aware that there are students who have parents who are licensed health care providers, but it is the practice of our District not to accept medical information from a parent who is operating as their child's private health care provider. This includes physical exams, medications, physical education exemption notes and other medical orders.**
Required New York State Screenings
Vision: Vision screening for all newly entering students and students in K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
Hearing: All newly entering students and students in K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
Scoliosis: All male students in grade 9. All female students in grades 5 and 7.
Dental: Requested for all newly entering students and those in K, 2, 4, 7,9 and 11.
Administration of Medication
Medication may be administered in school with the permission of a student’s parents and licensed prescriber. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications. Medication must be given to the school nurse by the parent and be contained in the original prescription bottle. Medication orders must include: the student’s full name and date of birth, medication name, dosage and route of administration, frequency and time of administration, indications, date written, and prescriber’s name, title, signature and phone number. Students cannot carry their own medication into school at any time. Students prescribed inhalers and EpiPens must be “self-directed” as determined by the parents, licensed prescriber, and school nurse to carry these medications. Medication administration forms are available on the district website.
In order to keep our schools and students healthy, children who have been sick cannot attend school until they are no longer contagious. In order for students to return to school, we require that there be at least 24 hours:
• without fever (in the absence of fever-reducing medications)• without vomiting or diarrhea
• on appropriate antibiotic therapy for a diagnosed infection (strep throat, ear infection, bronchitis, etc.)
• a bad cold with a very runny nose or bad cough, especially if the child has been awake all night
• head lice - until treated per healthcare provider's instructions.
If your child becomes ill at school and is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to come and take your child home. It is essential we have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event that you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the year, please notify the main office at your child's school. Please refer to the district website for additional information.