Questions and Answers

Frequently asked questions: This page contains answers to common questions of students and parents.

1. How do I make my school nurse aware of special health needs ?

Please make your school nurse aware of any special health needs or medical problems. This information will remain confidential. The school nurse is a wonderful resource to assist your child safely through the school day. Examples of such needs are as follows:

  • Newly obtained medical diagnosis
  • Allergies: Food, Bee Sting, Latex or any medication
  • Difficulty with vision, hearing or speech
  • Need for medication during the school day
  • Medication taken at home on a daily basis
  • Need for special aids such as crutches, walkers or wheelchairs, either on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • Exclusion from gym/sports due to injury

Please have your child bring his/her physician’s phys. ed. excuses to the health office first thing in the morning. This note must come from their treating physician stating the level of activity permitted. No notes from physical therapists or parents are acceptable. Students on crutches must have a doctor’s note requiring them to use crutches while in school. Students cannot carry books or a backpack while using crutches.

2. What must I do to allow my child to take medicine in school?

If your health care provider feels that medication is necessary during the school day, please submit a fully completed Byram Hills Medication Administration Form,\ (available on the website), and return it to the school nurse's office. All medication should be delivered by a parent to the nurse in its original, unopened container. All prescription medication must be professionally labeled by the pharmacist for this purpose. Medication Administration forms must be filled out for each change of medication and renewed each school year.


Students are at no time allowed to carry medication of any kind on their person or to take medication without official written direction from a health care provider and parent /guardian or to take medication without supervision. Students are permitted to carry and self-administer metered dose inhalers and Epinephrine injectors with the written permission of their health care provider, parent/guardian, and submission of written permission to the school nurse. Please call your school nurse with any questions.

3. What happens to my child's medication and medication orders at the end of each school year?

All medication orders are good for one school year only.New medication orders must be obtained again each new school year. In addition, allergy and asthma action plans require updating each year. Any medication that has been supplied to the nurse's office for the school year needs to be picked up by a parent by the last day of school each year. Otherwise the medication must be disposed of per NYS Guidelines.

4. Who do I notify if my child is sick or will be out of school?

Per NYS law, written parental explanation is required following all absences. In addition, calls should be made to the attendance secretary each day of your child's absence. In the case of a fever, please keep your child at home for at least 24 hours after your child’s temperature has returned to normal for their protection as well as for the protection of other students.

If you child has vomited, please do not return them to school until they are without vomiting for at least 24hours, to prevent the spread of gastrointestinal viruses.

If your child must leave early for a dental appointment, doctor appointment, etc., a parent's note must be brought to the main office in the morning. You must meet your child in the main office and sign him/her out. Your child will not be permitted to leave school unless attended by a parent or authorized individual on the emergency record.

5. What immunizations are needed to attend school?

Please refer to the following link for current NYS Guidelines

6. When are school physicals mandated for my child?

The New York State Education Law requires an annual physical examination for students on entrance to school and routinely at Grades 2, 4, 7 and 10. Each student's exam must include a BMI (body mass index)and a Weight Status Category done by your child’s health care provider. The physical examinations for students in required grades must be completed and sent to the Health Offices within thirty days of school starting. If your child has a physical scheduled after this date please let the nurse know. If we do not receive a physical exam for your child, the child will be examined by the school physician.

7. What school screenings will my child have done in school?

Students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and10 are screened annually for vision problems. Students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and10 are screened for hearing problems. Students in grades 5-9 are also screened yearly for scoliosis according to New York State Law. All new entrants to the district will have a complete set of screenings provided as well. Parents will be informed in writing of any abnormal findings.

8. When can my child participate in Modified Sports? What are the requirements?

Students in grade 8 may participate in Modified Sports. Occasionally, 7th graders are permitted to participate, depending on the size of the roster needed to complete a team. Modified Sports are held after school, three to five days a week. See Modified Sports Info below:

All 8th grade students will be given the opportunity to participate in the after school modified sports provided they meet the criteria set forth in the Code of Conduct.

There are three Sports seasons during the school year. Each season requires a physical exam less than 12 months old and an electronic sports participation form must be submitted to the middle school nurse via the Athletics website. This electronic form can be found on the "Athletic Department" under "forms."

9. What do I do if my child has head lice?

Children should be checked periodically at home for head lice and the school nurse should be notified if head lice are found. Remind your children not to share hats or personal items with their fellow classmates and friends. Please alert the nurse's office if any of your children has lice.

10. How can my child help prevent the spread of bacteria and/or viruses?

The best defense against the spread of bacteria/viruses is practicing good hygiene.

Good hygiene includes:

*Washing hands thoroughly throughout the day with soap and water or using an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
*Keeping cuts and scrapes cleaned and covered with bandages.
*Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, wristbands, headbands, water bottles, sports equipment and uniforms.
*Washing athletic gear and uniforms regularly with hot water and detergent. If anyone in your family shows any signs of skin infection, redness, swelling or tenderness please call your healthcare provider.