Special Education Programs
Special Education Program Descriptions
Related Services: Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision Therapy and Psychological Counseling.
Integrated Co-Teaching Services: as defined in New York State regulation, means the provision of specially designed instruction and academic instruction provided to a group of students with disabilities and non-disabled students.
Effective July 1, 2008, the maximum number of students with disabilities that can be on the class roster of a class where integrated co-teaching services are provided is 12. The total of 12 students includes any student with a disability in that class, regardless of whether all of the students are recommended for integrated co-teaching services. For example, if two students with disabilities in a class are recommended for resource room and related services and ten are recommended for integrated co-teaching services, there are 12 students with disabilities in that classroom. While the two students in the above example may benefit incidentally from the integrated co-teaching services, their IEPs would not need to specify the integrated co-teaching services.
It is now required that all districts use the terminology "integrated co-teaching," consistent with the regulatory requirements, so that the level of services being provided to a student is clear and consistent among school districts. New York City (NYC) has used the term "collaborative team teaching" (CTT) to identify a service that meets the regulatory definition of integrated co-teaching services.
Resource Room: If the recommendation for the student is a Resource Room program then the minimum hours of RR that must be provided is three hours per week (180 minutes). The program cannot exceed five students. The IEP must also indicate frequency, location, and duration of the service:
Example: Resource Room 5 times per week 42 minutes
Consultant Teacher Services: Consultant teacher services, as defined in section 200.1(m) of this Part, shall be for the purpose of providing direct and/or indirect services to students with disabilities who attend regular education classes, including career and technical education classes, and/or to such students’ regular education teachers. Such services shall be recommended by the committee on special education to meet specific needs of such students and the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) shall indicate the regular education classes in which the student will receive consultant teacher services. Consultant teacher services shall be provided in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) The total number of students with disabilities assigned to a consultant teacher shall not exceed 20.
(2) Each student with a disability requiring consultant teacher services shall receive direct and/or indirect services consistent with the student's IEP for a minimum of two hours each week, except that the committee on special education may recommend that a student with a disability who also needs resource room services in addition to consultant teacher services, may receive a combination of such services consistent with the student’s IEP for not less than three hours each week.
(3)Upon application and documented educational justification to the commissioner, approval may begranted for a variance for the number of students with disabilities assigned to a consultant teacher as specified in paragraph (1) of this subdivision.
Special Class 15:1: Special class means a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similarity of individual needs for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting, meaning that such students are receiving their primary instruction separate from their non-disabled peers.
Special Class 15:1:1/ 12:1:1: Special class means a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similarity of individual needs for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting, meaning that such students are receiving their primary instruction separate from their non-disabled peers. The maximum class size for those students whose special education needs consist primarily of the need for specialized instructor which can best be accomplished in a self- contained setting shall not exceed either 12 or 15 based upon the recommended ratio.
Special Class 8:1:1: Special class means a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similarity of individual needs for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting, meaning that such students are receiving their primary instruction separate from their non-disabled peers. Students being recommended for the 8:1:1 program will receive both academic and community based instruction throughout their day. These students will be working towards the Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC).