Organizations or Users Requesting Access to SchoolDude for the first time
Organizations or Users Requesting Access to SchoolDude for the first time:
By clicking on SchoolDude below to request an account, you are affirming your organization is not-for-profit and is community-based, and that you have reviewed the documents below:
By clicking on SchoolDude below to request an account, you are affirming your organization is not-for-profit and is community-based, and that you have reviewed the documents below:
1. Hold Harmless Agreement
2. Insurance Requirements
3. Terms of Use for Facility Users in the Byram Hills Central School District
4. Use of Facilities Procedures
5. Instructions for requesting an account through SchoolDude
You are also affirming, if your organization has not already, that you will submit:
1. A completed Hold Harmless form and
2. A form showing exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, or, a signed letter on your organization’s letterhead stating your organization is not-for-profit
If your organization is using Byram Hills facilities for the very first time, please e-mail all documents to Tammy Lovecchio. If you have any questions please contact Tammy Lovecchio at 273-4084 x6910.