Organizations/User with a login ID Requesting Access to SchoolDude

Organizations/Users with a login ID Requesting Access to SchoolDude:

By clicking on the SchoolDude link below, I am reaffirming that the organization I represent is not-for-profit and is community-based. I also affirm that my organization’s insurance is current and that I have reviewed Terms of Use for Facility Users in the Byram Hills Central School District and Use of Facilities Procedures.

Insurance documents and Hold Harmless must be renewed each year and be sent to the secretary of the building(s) you use:

Coman Hill: Ashley Littleton  | 914-273-4183 x1920

Wampus: Beatrice Santora | 914-273-4190 x2903

HCC: Matthew Myron | 914-273-4250 x3910

BHHS: Lisa Fanelli | 914-273-9200 x4910

Athletics: Brett Alcantara | 914-273-9200 x4980

Click here for SCHOOLDUDE

Click here for instructions to request facilities.