Fourth Grade English Language Arts


Number the Stars Use this interactive site to answer questions and do activities based on Lois Lowry's book about the Holocaust.

Number the Stars: A Study in Historical Fiction Use this site to answer questions on many topics relating to the novel, including on how the story is written, the history of the Holocaust and questions on each chapter.

Stone Fox Have fun on this site finding out all about the author, sled dogs, potato farming and then answer questions about the book.


Arcademic Skill Builders Play interactive word games on this fun site! They are located in the column on the right.

BBC Skillswise This grammar site helps with verbs, adverbs, verb-subject agreement and a whole lot more!

FunBrain Spell Check Can you find the word that is misspelled? Try your hand at it!

Spelling Rules Use this site to find out what spelling rules you can remember.

Spelling Wizard Try testing your spelling on this interactive site from Scholastic!

Syllables Factory will help show you how to break up words into chunks of sound. This will help your spelling.


Story Mapping You can use this interactive site to help you write a story! Set up your characters, setting, conflict and resolution. Get set and write!

Mrs. Faughnan

Grammar Gorillas Click on the correct parts of speech to help your gorilla win a banana. You can choose your level.

Beginning/Short Vowel Sounds In this game, you match the beginning letter of a word with the letters below.

Making Sentences Play three games about sentences and learn what makes a sentence, practice writing them and then add punctuation.

Starfall Choose this site to read on-line books and play games with phonics.

Subject-Verb Agreement In this three-level game you spot the subject, choosethe right verb form, or re-write the sentence using a new subject. Have fun!

Syllable Game Find how many syllables in the given words to help build a robot!

Test Prep

English Language Arts Test Prep Go to this New York State Education Department to take a sample test. For grades 3-8.
