Team Meetings
What can I expect to happen at a team meeting?
Each team of core academic teachers sets aside one period a week to meet with parents.
All of the team’s teachers as well as your child’s guidance counselor attend the meeting.
The meetings are 20 minutes long.
Team meetings generally start with the parent stating why they set up the meeting and if
they have any specific concerns. From there the teachers give individual reports of how
the student is doing in their respective subjects.
The goal of these meetings is to give the parents an opportunity to meet their child’s team
and discuss any concerns about their child with his or her teachers and guidance
How do I set up a team meeting?
In order to set up a meeting with your child’s team you should contact the Guidance
Secretary. Shannon Grundig can be reached at (914) 273-4250 ext. 7 or through email by CLICKING HERE.
When does my child’s team meet?
Team 6A – Tuesday at 10:10am and 10:30am
Team 6B – Thursday at 10:10am and 10:30am
Team 7A – Wednesday at 1:45pm and 2:05pm
Team 7B – Thursday at 1:05pm and 1:25pm
Team 8A – Tuesday at 8:35am and 8:55am
Team 8B – Thursday at 8:35am and 8:55am