The fifth graders and their families were invited to attend a virtual Moving Up Ceremony that opened with a message from Wampus Principal, Mrs. Peggy McInerney. She spoke of three important concepts for the students to remember. “Trust in yourselves, stay connected, and don’t be afraid to fail. You will experience struggles that will make you stronger.” She concluded by saying, “Always believe you are enough. Be kinder and gentler to those around you by first being kinder and gentler to yourself.” Mrs. McInerney’s inspiring words were followed by a poem read via zoom by the grade five teachers and a heartfelt message delivered by Tamara Leopold, the PTSA fifth grade coordinator.
Following the presentations was a slideshow featuring a Wampus memory from each student, with concluding remarks from Mr. David Mack, Wampus Assistant Principal. He asked the students to reflect on their years at HCC. “Think about how you made Wampus a better place and the legacy you have left. Cherish these moments. Consider your friendships, what you’ve learned, and be thankful.”
To end the ceremony, the students heard from Ms. Lapple, Principal of H.C. Crittenden, who welcomed the Class of 2027 to HCC. “I have been told that this class is outstanding and ready to make a difference as active learners and risk-takers. The Wampus Way has led you to HCC and we look forward to having you all join us in the fall.”
To follow the Moving Up Ceremony Wampus held a spirited procession that began with a sea of cars on parade, decorated in red and blue, to honor the fifth graders. Teachers lined Wampus Avenue holding signs of congratulations and cheering as families drove by honking, waving, and offering words of thanks to their Wampus teachers. The energy and emotion could be felt by everyone.