On a crisp May morning Wampus students, staff and faculty came prepared with their colored tee shirts and smiles to the opening ceremonies of Field Day, 2019. This has been a tradition for over 45 years and is the most anticipated event in school.
Beyond all of the games and festivities, there are some important objectives the school looks to accomplish. “The overall goal has always been to bring the Wampus and Byram Hills School community together,” said Christina Motta, Wampus physical education teacher, “and to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their character and sportsmanship in a fun-filled way.”
“Students challenge themselves, support others, work together and participate in some good ol’ fashioned fun,” said Doreen Cohen, Wampus physical education teacher. Events like hula hooping, the egg relay and potato sack races are just a few of the ways students compete.
This year there were 24 stations packed with amusement. “There were individual competition stations like the broad jump or 50 yard dash, cooperative team stations, where homerooms worked together to accomplish a goal, and ‘just for fun’ stations,” said Gina Whalen, Wampus physical education teacher.
What helps to create this Byram Hills classic is the participation of our high school juniors. This year, approximately 65 students joined in the excitement by organizing and running the various stations. One student, Jamie Weiss, said “This was an experience I loved as a kid and now I get to come back with my friends to partake.”
As students dashed around the fields covered from head to toe in red, white and blue there was a true sense of school spirit in the air. While not the official last day of school, Field Day always helps usher in the end of school. With warm temperatures and blue skies, this year’s celebration led us right into summer.